Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement

nhaa digital exhibit

Formed in 1916, the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement is dedicated to preserving and improving Nebraska agriculture. Each year, the group recognizes at least one honoree and elects new members. The digital exhibit for the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement is located on the first floor of the Dinsdale Family Learning Commons on East Campus.


 Honoree Charles R. Fenster
 Honoree John C. Klosterman
 Honoree Clayton Keith Yeutter
 Honoree Donald Grant Hanway
 Honoree Virginia Dodd Smith
 Honoree Jerome Phillip Warner
 Honoree William B. Krejci
 Honoree Milton H. Fricke
 Honoree Harold Morgan Stevens
 Honoree George William Norris
 Honoree Glenn H. LeDioyt
 Honoree Frank Zybach
 Honoree Albert John Ebers