2018 Don Hutchens

Don Hutchens
B. 09/24/1948
Don Hutchens

Nebraska agriculture was clearly strengthened by Don Hutchens’ leadership, drive and unapologetic advocacy. Don was strategic in identifying and developing innovative programs to expand demand and escalate Nebraska’s corn industry into a robust industry. He was a treasured leadership partner in dealing with complex management and political issues and was an enthusiastic industry champion who worked tirelessly to build global markets.

Don grew up southeast of Geneva, Nebraska on his family’s farm and was involved with the crop and livestock operation. He went on to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration but knew his calling was to work alongside his father in the family farming operation. Don’s passion for agriculture and being involved started early. He was engaged in farming for 14 years and continues to own and manage the farm and also has interest in corn, soybean, and wheat production in the southwest part of the state. While farming, Don held a number of leadership positions in farm organizations.

Don attended the Ag Progress Conference, hosted by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, in the mid-1970’s, and met Charles “Chuck” Schroeder. Chuck was so impressed with not only Don’s farm management skills, but also his leadership capacity as demonstrated through the Young Farmers and Ranchers organization, that Don was the only name on Chuck’s list of prospective appointees as Assistant Director of Agriculture in 1985. During the Ag Crisis of the 1980’s, Don quickly showed his amazing talents for engaging people from diverse backgrounds and viewpoints, empathizing, challenging, helping, and most importantly, making them feel they were being heard. Likewise, Don was a treasured leadership partner in dealing with the complex management and political issues confronting a state agency in a time of budget crisis. Don’s leadership talents were further affirmed when he was named in 1986 as Director of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.

Always looking for an opportunity to represent his passion of farming and explore new opportunities, Don interviewed for the Executive Director of the Nebraska Corn Development, Utilization, and Marketing Board in 1987. Under his leadership, he expanded opportunities for not only the corn industry, but for Nebraska agriculture. He was strategic in identifying and developing innovative programs to expand demand and escalate Nebraska’s corn industry into the robust industry we know today. An industry where demand is realized beyond the kernel of corn, to include all end users. He never let a call or letter from a producer, go without an answer. This was evident in the Starlink issue from 1999-2001. EPA approved this Bt protein for feed use only, with a zero tolerance for food grade corn. When it showed up in food grade corn, he was instrumental in working for producers and identifying the damage in price, producers received for food grade corn, thus a multi-million dollar settlement for Nebraska corn producers.

His efforts didn’t stop at the Nebraska border. He served on the U.S. Grains Council and the United States Meat Export Federation board of directors to grow corn demand through international marketing of meat, corn, ethanol, and distiller’s grains. He was an enthusiastic industry champion who worked tirelessly to build new markets on a global basis. Don has extensive international experience in Asia, Europe, and Russia. He was a representative of the National Corn Growers Association during the 1990 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) discussions in Brussels, Belgium. He accompanied the U.S. Grain Council Missions to Southeast Asia, Middle East, Russia, and South America. He has spoken to the Moscow State Agro-Engineering University in 1991 and 1993; the Asia Pacific Conference in 1998; and the U.S. Grain Council conference in Guatemala City on the importance of agriculture associations and checkoff programs in 2002. He was at one point, considered by the FBI, as an important source of information and connection to agricultural leaders in the former Soviet Union, where he communicated regularly and visited on multiple occasions.

He’s always challenged board members to be involved with cooperators funded by the Corn Board. Numerous Board members, during Don’s time as Executive Director, served on Boards and as officers of National Corn Growers Association, U.S. Grains Council, and the United States Meat Export Federation. His passion was not only challenging and developing board members as leaders, but also giving college students the ability to develop into future leaders in Agriculture. Don developed an intern program with the National Corn Growers Association, U.S. Grains Council, and the United States Meat Export Federation. The Nebraska Corn Board had an in-state intern program for many years, but he felt young leaders needed to experience internships representing Nebraska and the cooperators funded by the Nebraska Corn Board in St. Louis, Washington DC, Denver and even internationally.

Don’s volunteer involvement with the Nebraska LEAD program is another point of impact. As a graduate of the inaugural class of the Nebraska LEAD program, Don recognized the value in giving back to the industry through service and as a mentor. Many Nebraska Corn Board members, staff and young leaders were the recipients of his mentorship.

His honors include Honorary American Farmer Degree, National FFA; Outstanding Member award, Nebraska Young Farmers & Ranchers; Outstanding Professional Contact, Mayor’s Committee for International Friendship; Leadership Alumni Award for outstanding leadership, LEAD; Named to the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement; Manger of the Year Award, Nebraska Corn Board; Public Service Award, Nebraska Agribusiness Club; Distinguished Service Award for Outstanding Leadership & Dedicated Service to Agriculture; KRVN Service to Agriculture.

Don has served on boards of the Agriculture Builders of Nebraska, current Chairman; Lincoln YMCA, past president; Trustee of the Nebraska 4-H Foundation; Director of the Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska. He has also served as Past Chairman of Nebraska FFA Foundation, Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee, Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council, University of Nebraska GATT Round Table, and GATT Task Force for U.S. Grains Council. He represented UNL on the Council of Ag Research, Extension & Teaching (CARET) and he was the National Secretary for Young Farmers & Ranchers Education Association. He has also been a Mentor for Teammates Mentoring Program.

In summary, Nebraska agriculture has clearly been strengthened by his leadership, drive and unapologetic advocacy. Don’s unmatched service to Nebraska agriculture can be summarized this way – it was not a job, it was his passion. It was not the achievements, it was the people. He spent a lifetime supporting and promoting the industry, which continues to this day.

I would like to thank the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement on selecting Don D. Hutchens as recipient of the 2018 Honoree of the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement. His passion, leadership and agricultural representation would not have been possible without the support of his wife, Donna, daughter Kate and her husband Matt, their children Burke and Ben, son Jerad and wife Megan, on this prestigious honor.

Don Hutchens

Tribute to the Honorable

Don Hutchens

Presented by

Mark Jagels, owner/operator Jagels Farms
Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement
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