2022 Boyd Stuhr

Boyd Stuhr
Boyd Stuhr

Boyd and Elaine Stuhr are fourth-generation agricultural producers farming near Bradshaw who are strong advocates for Nebraska’s agricultural industry and education. The Stuhrs significantly contributed to their community, state, and nation through volunteer efforts and leadership activities. They received the Nebraska Cooperative Extension Meritorious Public Service Award and were selected as the “Nebraska Honor Farm Family” by The Lincoln Journal Star in 1978. The Stuhrs are members of Farm Bureau and of Zion Hampton Lutheran Church.

Boyd graduated from the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture in 1956 and was inducted into agricultural fraternities Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma Delta. He was a charter member of the Alpha Gamma Sigma fraternity and later elected AGS National Executive Secretary. He served as an active-duty Navy Aviator from 1956 to 1960 and for 11 years in the Naval Air Reserves.

While serving on the York County Extension Board, Boyd was instrumental in the formation of the Nebraska Association of County Extension Boards. He served on the Bradshaw School Board for 25 years; the Educational Service Unit 6 Board for 15 years; the Nebraska Association of School Boards for 13 years; and the Nebraska Foundation for 4-H Development and later as President of the Council. Additionally, Boyd served on the Nebraska Corn Growers Board of Directors; was elected to the Upper Big Blue Natural District; was a member of the York County Feeders Association, and was a Committeeman for the ASCS.

Boyd and Elaine are the parents of three children: Cynthia (Ron) Zluticky, Teresa (Charlie) Robbins, and Boyd Jr (Laurie) Stuhr; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

Boyd and Elaine Stuhr are fourth-generation agricultural producers and live on their farm near Bradshaw. As individuals and as a team, they have been strong advocates for the agricultural industry and education in Nebraska. The Stuhrs have made significant contributions to their community, state and nation through their volunteer efforts and leadership activities.

Boyd graduated from the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture in 1956 and was inducted into the agricultural honoraries of Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma Delta. He was a charter member of the Alpha Gamma Sigma fraternity and was elected as AGS National Executive Secretary for 4 years. He served on active duty as a Navy Aviator from 1956 to 1960 and for a total of 11 years in the Naval Air Reserves.

While serving on the York County Extension Board Boyd was instrumental in the formation of the Nebraska Association of County Extension Boards. He was elected to the first Board of Directors and later served as Chairman of NACEB. He served on the Bradshaw School Board for 25 years and the Educational Service Unit 6 Board for an additional 15 years. He served on the Nebraska Association of School Boards for 13 years and is the only two-term President of NASB. Boyd was active in the 4-H program, serving on the Nebraska Foundation for 4-H Development for 8 years and as President of the Council. For 10 years he served on the Nebraska Corn Growers Board of Directors and as a member of the local association helped in bringing the ethanol industry to York County. He was elected to the Upper Big Blue Natural District, a member of the York County Feeders Association and worked as a Committeeman for the ASCS for 22 years. The Stuhrs were also owners/operators of Stuhrville Fertilizer Service from 1969 to 1975.
Boyd and Elaine Stuhr are fourth-generation agricultural producers and live on their farm near Bradshaw. As individuals and as a team, they have been strong advocates for the agricultural industry and education in Nebraska. The Stuhrs have made significant contributions to their community, state and nation through their volunteer efforts and leadership activities.

Elaine is a graduate of the University of Nebraska College of Home Economics and while attending UNL was inducted into the honoraries of Phi Upsilon Omicron and Omicron Nu. She taught school at the Hampton and Henderson Public Schools and was an Assistant Instructor for UNL working with student teachers. She was a Home Extension Club member for 25 years, 4-H leader for 15 years, was instrumental in the formation of the Nebraska Family. Community Leadership Program and past Chair of the Family, Youth and Community Partners, a group advocating for Extension and the UN system. She also served on Advisory Committees for Nebraska Extension, Ag in the Classroom and as Chair of the Nebraska LEAD Board.

Through the years Elaine has been an active spokesperson for agriculture serving as a Director on the Nebraska Corn Board, US Feed Grains Council, and the Ag Council of America in Washington, D.C. She was president of the Nebraska and National organizations of Women Involved in Farm Economics and testified before the US House and Senate Committees in support of the agricultural industry. She was Chair of the Agricultural Women’s Leadership Network which represented 12 national women’s groups. In 1993 she was selected to travel to Russia by the Farmer to Farmer program and to Lithuania by VOCA. Elaine represented the 24th District in the Nebraska Legislature for 12 years (1995-2007) and was instrumental in passing legislation that promoted ethanol, water, buffer strips, and other issues relating to agriculture and education. She served as Chair of the Retirement Committee, Vice Chair of the Natural Resources Committee and was on the Education Committee. From 2007 to 2017 she served on the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems Board and currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Concordia University Nebraska Foundation.

Boyd and Elaine have been the recipients of many honors and awards for their exemplary volunteer efforts and leadership activities. They both received the Nebraska Cooperative Extension Meritorious Public Service Award. In 1978 the Stuhr family was selected as the “Nebraska Honor Farm Family” by The Lincoln Journal Star. They are members of the Farm Bureau and active members of the Zion Hampton Lutheran Church.

Boyd and Elaine are the parents of three children: Cynthia (Ron) Zluticky, Teresa (Charlie) Robbins and Boyd Jr (Laurie) Stuhr. They are also the proud grandparents of six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Boyd and Elaine have been the recipients of many honors and awards for their exemplary volunteer efforts and leadership activities. They both received the Nebraska Cooperative Extension Meritorious Public Service Award. In 1978 the Stuhr family was selected as the “Nebraska Honor Farm Family” by The Lincoln Journal Star. They are members of the Farm Bureau and active members of the Zion Hampton Lutheran Church.

Boyd and Elaine are the parents of three children: Cynthia (Ron) Zluticky, Teresa (Charlie) Robbins, and Boyd Jr (Laurie) Stuhr. They are also the proud grandparents of six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Boyd Stuhr

Tribute to the Honorable

Boyd Stuhr

Presented by

Nancy Eberle
Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement
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