2005 Bryce P. Neidig

Bryce Neidig
10/31/1931 - 03/22/2018
Bryce P. Neidig

Bryce was a visible and effective spokesman for agriculture. He never strayed from fundamental principles of democratic capitalism, free competition, and entrepreneurship. He was a true visionary on water issues and was always involved in farm policy. He was the leader in the campaign to get the State constitution amended so agricultural land could be valued on its productivity.

Honoree, Bruce Neidig, Shirley, family members, special guests, and friends of agriculture near and far…

I cannot recall when I have every had a higher honor – or a tougher assignment! Trying to do justice to our honoree in this prestigious Hall of Agricultural Achievement… in one evening, is not really possible. However, Shirley told me to keep it from becoming Insufferable!

By the authority vested in me by no one, I have taken the liberty to admonish all of you to read, study and appreciate the biography printed in the program for this evening. This recitation about the lifetime of service by Bryce Neidig will serve as an inspiration to everyone – for generations.

It is my intention this evening to give editorial dimension to the lessons for life and living that Bryce always exhibited in his service to agriculture, to community, to state and nation, and, yes, to his family and neighbors. I hope this commentary will bring life and legend to this very important Hall of Agricultural Achievement. If I am successful, we will all leave this venue tonight begin better persons.

During even the briefest of encounters with Bryce, you experienced a Nebraskan who always said and did the right things. You quickly noticed that he never strayed from basis fundamental principles of democratic capitalism, free competition, and entrepreneurship. Bryce was and is always the classic example of a true American, and remarkable Nebraskan. I will add to that pedigree, later!

The hours of service, the lives he has touched, the positive results of his hard work and leadership cannot be measured. Perhaps, that is why we honor Bryce this day – it is our way of saying thank you, it is our method of showing appreciation and it is our way to giving guidance and direction to those who would follow and on whom we depend for progress.

You will quickly notice that Bryce Neidig is a great person – not because of social statute of extraordinary wealth, not because of wardrobe elegance; he is a great person because he is genuine, has a warm heart, a helping hand, a sense of appreciation, and…a wife who is understanding, and supportive. Bryce always demonstrated vision, focus, honesty, and commitment. The achievements of this quiet and reserved gentleman were a wonder for some, but never a surprise. It really was impossible for his tremendous contributions to go unnoticed or unappreciated. Everything Bryce Neidig touched – improved!

We have all noticed that Bryce Neidig strongly exhibited enthusiasm, which was infectious, he always gave the extra effort, and he was not afraid of work. He understood that the only place where success comes before work, was in the dictionary! Bryce had determination, true grit, and, he understood the value of discipline and accountability, while always demonstrating good judgment and maturity.

My friends, in short, Bryce always served with high distinction, reflecting credit on his family, his community, his state and nation…and himself. Bruce never worked for recognition; rather, he did work worthy of recognition. He lived his life like a snowflake; he left a mark, but never a stain! Bryce always autographed his work with excellence. For sure, he leaves a wonderful legacy in Agriculture, and a marvelous touchmark in our great state of Nebraska.

William Ward once wrote a creed for living and I am very convinced that this creed was used daily by Bryce P. Neidig, your special honoree.

I will do more than belong; I will participate.
I will do more than care; I will help.
I will do more than believe; I will practice.
I will do more than be fair; I will be kind.

I will do more than forgive; I will forget.
I will do more than dream; I will work.
I will do more than teach; I will inspire.
I will do more than earn; I will enrich.

I will do more than live; I will grow.
I will do more than be friendly; I will be a friend.
I will do more than be a citizen; I will be a patriot.

Now, I join with family, friends, and fellow citizens in saying best wishes and strength to you in all endeavors. And, all of us, individually and collectively, express our deepest and sincerest CONGRATULATIONS on your honor by the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement. To show our appreciation, we now stand in your midst, to express in audible fashion, our admiration for a truly great American.

Bryce P. Neidig

Tribute to the Honorable

Bryce P. Neidig

Presented by

Allen J. Beermann, Former Secretary of State
Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement
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